About the Services

The GenoEx platform is created to allow worldwide exchange of SNP data in an efficient and secure way.

It provides two alternative services, depending on the customers’ needs:
limited Parentage SNP Exchange (GenoEx-PSE) and full Genomic Data Exchange (GenoEx-GDE).

GenoEx-PSE allows exchange of limited sets of SNPs, with sets standardised for parentage analysis
- to facilitate and streamline the activities carried out by organisations
that are responsible and/or active in parentage integrity.

GenoEx-GDE is extended to full genotypes exchange, access controlled fully by the data owners
and it covers a variety of available genotyping chips.

If you are using information from GenoEx in your research, you can find a proper way to cite it here

GenoEx Documentation

Lists of recognized Platform-Array Combinations, Genotyping laboratories, Breeds and Countries:
System data page (also accessible via the header)


GenoEx-PSE user manual and file formats
GenoEx-PSE Code of Practice
GenoEx-PSE SNP list for parentage verification
GenoEx-PSE SNP list for parentage discovery
GenoEx-PSE webinar recording (about 21min + 13min Q&A)


GenoEx-GDE File Preparation Manual (gxprep)
GenoEx-GDE Database Manual
GenoEx-GDE API Manual (including gxapi)
GenoEx-GDE webinar recording (about 45min + 8min Q&A)

GenoEx-PSE service

Organisations wishing to join GenoEx-PSE services shall:
1. Be a member of ICAR or be nominated by an ICAR member;
2. Have a valid “ICAR Accreditation for DNA Interpretation Centres”;
3. Sign a Service User Agreement with the Interbull Centre.

Contact Us

Please use GenoEx@slu.se to report any bugs, errors or to pose questions or propose improvements!

Interbull Centre
Department of Animal Biosciences - SLU
Box 7023, SE-750 07
Uppsala, Sweden


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